Christopher Jackson’s passion for motivating people and various organizations is rooted from birth as he raised by both parents whom are deaf and hearing impaired. He and his siblings are considered Children Of Deaf Adults (CODA) who can hear but the uniqueness of his story is he has aunts and uncles who can hear but their children were born deaf and hearing impaired. This compelled Christopher Jackson to be very active in the deaf community and an advocate through interpreting for the deaf at church, court, appointments, and many musical concerts as a young boy and adolescent.
Christopher Jackson’s abilities to transform lives of many are diverse, through American Sign Language and high-powered energy to communicate through his own personal and trademarked phrase “The Message Ain’t For Everybody, but You Know It’s For Somebody” ®. His ability to do this, merely insinuates to the world that no matter the obstacle; you must never quit, never give up, because we were all born with Purpose to unite with Destiny.
Follow his Facebook Public Page for the Deaf Community with over 15k followers +
American Sign Langauage
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Team Stay Motivated TV
15 min